"Back in my day cows didn't tell you about their sexuality"
...the clueless leading the deaf and dottering, or why the Democrats got slaughtered...the utter cluelessness of the Democratic Party was starkly exposed by the Republicans' romp in November's elections...this was not the result merely of low voter turnout for midterm elections, or that many more Dem seats were up for election than Republicans...this was much more a jolt about how the Democratic Party is an insular, fossilized party led by graybeards (and hair) stuck in its own infighting and doomed by some of the worst campaign strategies I've seen in a long long long time...there's no more pathetic picture than one of Senate Democratic leader Harry ("Clueless") Reid and Congressional Democratic leader Nancy ("Cluelessette") Pelosi at the lead of a Wall Street Journal article "Democrats Find Themselves Short of Fresh New Faces" http://on.wsj.com/10MqpFC...75-year old Reid, who looked 75 when he was 10, arrogantly disagreed publicly with his own party's President on many issues, while 74-year-old Pelosi, who looks more ridiculous by the day with her fake hair and fake face and fake rationalizations, oversaw the two biggest mid-term losses for a party in the country's history (about 65 Congressional seats and counting lost by the Dems in 2010 and 2014) by running from Obama...and as this is written, the Party has totally abandoned Senator Mary Landrieu, who is in a tough run-off to maintain her seat, thus sending a clear message to any prospective candidates, and especially women, that the national party cannot be counted on the help them...
...meanwhile, in Colorado incumbent Senator Mark ("You're Gone") Udall managed to gift his seat to challenger Cory Gardner by focusing almost exclusively on abortion rights while ignoring issues such as the economy (stupid), ISIS, and health care...hello, Earth to Mark -- what kind of idiot campaign managers convinced you that more than a handful of voters in Colorado might care about abortion much less vote on that singular issue...then there was Maryland, where Democratic Lt. Gov. Andrew ("Andblew") Brown managed to lose the Governor's race in a state that is solidly blue and has been led by popular gov. Martin O'Malley by running an appallingly negative campaign while his Republican challenger actually talked about real issues...and in Kentucky, Democratic candidate Allison Lundergen ("Fumbleagain") Grimes actually declined to answer when asked simply who she voted for in the last Presidential election...until then Grimes had been running neck-and-neck with incumbent Mitch McConnell...after her disingenuous, dismissive attempt to duck her Democratic credentials, Grimes disappeared from the polls faster than a speeding bullet and lost by a large margin...Grime's act was the perfect symbol of a dysfunctional Democratic Party with no focus that has spent the last two years running from the Administration's many positive actions instead of embracing and trumpeting them...
- Twitter feed from #PTRMSK commenting on Benjy the Gay Bull
...the clueless leading the deaf and dottering, or why the Democrats got slaughtered...the utter cluelessness of the Democratic Party was starkly exposed by the Republicans' romp in November's elections...this was not the result merely of low voter turnout for midterm elections, or that many more Dem seats were up for election than Republicans...this was much more a jolt about how the Democratic Party is an insular, fossilized party led by graybeards (and hair) stuck in its own infighting and doomed by some of the worst campaign strategies I've seen in a long long long time...there's no more pathetic picture than one of Senate Democratic leader Harry ("Clueless") Reid and Congressional Democratic leader Nancy ("Cluelessette") Pelosi at the lead of a Wall Street Journal article "Democrats Find Themselves Short of Fresh New Faces" http://on.wsj.com/10MqpFC...75-year old Reid, who looked 75 when he was 10, arrogantly disagreed publicly with his own party's President on many issues, while 74-year-old Pelosi, who looks more ridiculous by the day with her fake hair and fake face and fake rationalizations, oversaw the two biggest mid-term losses for a party in the country's history (about 65 Congressional seats and counting lost by the Dems in 2010 and 2014) by running from Obama...and as this is written, the Party has totally abandoned Senator Mary Landrieu, who is in a tough run-off to maintain her seat, thus sending a clear message to any prospective candidates, and especially women, that the national party cannot be counted on the help them...
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Harry and Nancy: 149 years on Earth and they still don't have a clue. |
...speaking of clueless self-inflicted damage...Ireland Taoiseach Enda Kenny's Fine Gael Party, it's poodle the Labor Party, together with the Fianna Fail Party, and other assorted cronies in government and the media continue to be the friendliest enemies Sinn Fein and its leader Gerry Adams could ever wish for...their latest round of stupidity has been to try demonizing Adams over a peace-hating woman's claim that she was assaulted by an IRA member when she was 16 and then subjected to an IRA kangaroo court...never mind that the woman is a known IRA dissident, is strongly opposed to the Northern Irish peace process, and hates Adams vehemently...Kenny decided he should meet with her, and then audaciously attacked Sinn Fein for being lax about sexual abuse...excuse me!!!...the Irish government parties are criticizing others for abetting abuse...let us count the ways in which Kenny's Fine Gael Party and Fianna Fail have aided and abetted outrageous abuse and torture of women and children for a century...Christian Brothers children torture institutions...Magdalena Laundries...ongoing clerical paedophilia while the state looked the other way...sending orphans to draconian institutions to literally starve them to death and dumping their shriveled little bodies in nameless mass graves...symphysiotomy procedures on pregnant women (a ghastly procedure whereby the state, to preserve the Catholic Church's idea of womens' virtue and "morality," carves up women's pelvic bones for childbirth rather than performing Ceasarean sections)...
...the running of the bulls (Irish version)...in other news from the Emerald Isle, animal rights and gay rights groups have rallied to save Benjy the "Gaylic" Bull from the slaughterhouse...it seems that Benjy, a pedigree Charolais from County Mayo (where else!), doesn't care to breed with all those lovely 4-legged cuties at his disposal, but rather prefers male company...Veternarians determined he is fertile, but is more attracted to the bull that replaced him, so his farmer decided to turn him into beef patties...but PETA, the Irish Animal Rights Action Network, and Simpsons' creator Sam Simon have raised funds to send Benjy to an animal sanctuary (let's hope it's not run by the Catholic Church)...
...It's a dirty job, but God made me do it....and in other religious news, in a creative twist to the old excuse that "the Devil made me do it", the Mormon church has blamed the Creator for turning its founder into a serial rapist...The Washington Times reports that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has acknowledged that its founding prophet, Joseph Smith, had as many as 40 "wives," including one as young as 14...however, the Church went on to explain that Smith really didn't want to take on so many sweet young things, but just had to after receiving a commandment from God...sorry, Mormons, Dan Akroyd's line "We're on mission from God" just doesn't wash to excuse a sexual predator who concocted a church of bigamy so he could rape as many women as possible with impunity...
...OOPS!...with this edition, Pete's Brew introduces a new feature, which will appear occasionally as the mood (and news stories) strikes, to call attention to the stupidest gaffes by public figures...there seem to be a plethora of them this week...
'I was just 27 and I was butchered': Symphysiotomy ...
so how have the Irish people responded to Kenny's hypocritical, self-righteous photo-op pontificating?...predictably, by further boosting Sinn Fein in the polls so it is now the most popular party in Ireland for the first time in history...so keep it up, Enda, securocrats and Irish media, you'll promote Adams to Taoiseach before you know it!......the running of the bulls (Irish version)...in other news from the Emerald Isle, animal rights and gay rights groups have rallied to save Benjy the "Gaylic" Bull from the slaughterhouse...it seems that Benjy, a pedigree Charolais from County Mayo (where else!), doesn't care to breed with all those lovely 4-legged cuties at his disposal, but rather prefers male company...Veternarians determined he is fertile, but is more attracted to the bull that replaced him, so his farmer decided to turn him into beef patties...but PETA, the Irish Animal Rights Action Network, and Simpsons' creator Sam Simon have raised funds to send Benjy to an animal sanctuary (let's hope it's not run by the Catholic Church)...
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He-e-e-e-r-e-s Benj....oops, wrong bull... |
here he is:
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"Hi there, big guy" |
of course, for every protest, there's a counter-protest, and we are committed to giving equal time to all sides so you the reader can decide for yourself...
...and if you think that story is a bunch of Irish bull...here's more...on the other side of the country, in County Waterford, another bull plummeted off a cliff into the sea...being bullish and keeping his cool, the baffled beast swam to a rocky ledge a few hundred metres away...the Irish coast guard rushed to the scene but it was deemed too difficult to carry out a rescue in fading light and rising tides...so at dawn's early light the next morning Tramore Coast Guard and the Waterford Animal Welfare were back on the scene...a rope was secured to the animal and the oars of the lifeboat used to usher him down off his rocky ledge...when he hit the water he started swimming toward the lifeboat (presumably using the bovine stroke first unveiled in the last Olympics)...he was then guided into a nearby cove, where the bovine was met by his grateful owner.
...give me that old time religion...there are a couple of exciting developments on the religious front...first, our correspondent Trudie from Pooks Hill reports that Pope Francis has absolved all accordion players, including Trudie and me...the Pontiff, showing mercy, said, "It's time to forgive them for all the past
suffering they have inflicted - as long as they play something cool, like
Zydeco or Tex-Mex."
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Pope Francis: "Just don't ever play that thing in my presence." |
...It's a dirty job, but God made me do it....and in other religious news, in a creative twist to the old excuse that "the Devil made me do it", the Mormon church has blamed the Creator for turning its founder into a serial rapist...The Washington Times reports that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has acknowledged that its founding prophet, Joseph Smith, had as many as 40 "wives," including one as young as 14...however, the Church went on to explain that Smith really didn't want to take on so many sweet young things, but just had to after receiving a commandment from God...sorry, Mormons, Dan Akroyd's line "We're on mission from God" just doesn't wash to excuse a sexual predator who concocted a church of bigamy so he could rape as many women as possible with impunity...
...OOPS!...with this edition, Pete's Brew introduces a new feature, which will appear occasionally as the mood (and news stories) strikes, to call attention to the stupidest gaffes by public figures...there seem to be a plethora of them this week...
...Oops the first!...sexual assault does not make us laugh...the cover of AARP Magazine's October-November issue highlighted a piece titled "Bill Cosby: Still Making us Laugh"...ha ha...ha...uh...then quickly spun out another edition with the Cosby piece pulled...but then absurdly tried to deny they pulled it...ha ha...very funny...
...Oops the second!...be careful what you tweet for...Congressional Staffer Elizabeth Lauten tweeted that Malia and Sasha Obama should "try showing a little class" and not like they were looking "for a spot at the bar" during the President's Thanksgiving pardon of two turkeys...Lauten, as press secretary for Congressman Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn), should have known better than to mock the President's teenage daughters...hey, they're American teenage girls forced to take part in a silly American tradition directed by their father - of course they're bored!...after an uproar from both sides of the political aisle, both the tweet and Lauten were hastily deleted (Fincher fired her the next day)...
...Oops the third!...Senator James Inhofe (Moron-Not OK), incoming Chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee, has named and shamed the Hollywood liberal commie behind the vast left-wing Climate Change Conspiracy -- Barbara Streisand...who'd-a-thunk it?...in response to the story by David Corn in Mother Jones, Streisand had this to say: "I thank Senator Inhofe for singling me out as a voice against the perils of climate change! But I'm just a small part of millions of voices, who are informed and alarmed, including 97% of all climate scientists! God help us! This man is going to head the Commission on the Environment in the United States Senate. It's like giving a fox the keys to the chicken coop."
...and finally, it's time for a real brew...your editor had one while in New Hampshire for Thanksgiving...Barb's Beer Emporium in Concord offered up a mind-bogling selection of beers and ales, and among the items sampled, Harvest Barn Ale offered by Long Trail Brewing Company stood out...and it's only 4.4% alcohol content, so if you can get your hands on some, enjoy several...
Happy December!
- the Brewmeister -