...We're not in Kansas anymore...Dorothy would be amazed...here in the dead (and I mean dead) center of the country, the voters in this solidly-red state are actually so fed up with their conservative politicians' economic idiocy that the state may swing anti-Republican in both the Governor's and the US Senate races...the incumbent Governor running scared is ultra-ultra-ultra conservative Republican Sam ("Goback") Brownback whose irresponsible tax and spending cuts have severely damaged the state's resources, including education, transportation infrastructure and everything else, and put the state's economy on the brink of ruin...as of now, Democratic challenger Paul ("Save Us") Davis is running neck-and-neck with Brownback...according to The Washington Post, Brownback promised that his program would drive economic growth, create jobs, and stabilize the state budget...a pack of BS...Kansas now has a $300 million revenue shortfall, the state economy has lagged far behind its neighboring states, and Kansas' credit rating has plunged...education has been particularly hard hit, with parents and teachers decrying fewer coaches, fewer teachers' aides, larger class sizes, fewer school buses, and a delay in launching a hoped-for pre-school program...more intriguing, Kansas Republican Senator ("Stand") Pat Roberts is in real danger of losing his seat to Independent candidate Greg ("Stormin'") Orman...Roberts has served 18 years in the Senate and has done nothing - absolutely zero - in all that time...he appears to have all the intelligence of my dog Sammy, and the personality of your average stone...the Brewmeister cannot remember the last time a Dem or Independent held a major state-wide office in the Land of Oz, but these races bear watching as indicative of just how far the Muppets (i.e., Middle America) will put up with the false curtain Wizardry of stupid, counterproductive so-called "conservative" economic policies, which are actually wildly liberal in pretending that a totally free market has a conscience and everyone should be able to do whatever the hell they want, and plain wrong in pretending that we can stimulate the economy by cutting spending...
...relatedly, it cannot be confirmed that German Chancellor Angela ("Murky") Merkle is closely watching the Kansas races in hopes that her similarly idiotic economic policies, which have plunged the Eurozone to near-deflationary disaster, will continue to hoodwink most people...we suggest that Kansas voters and Merkle consider the thoughts of New York Times columnist Paul Krugman on the folly of "conservative" economics...
...the only thing we really fear is fear itself (apologies to FDR)...building on the USA's prior panics over imagined communists in the woodpile, terrorists on the doorstep, rock music (see Tipper Gore), Alar on apples (see Meryl Streep), comets destroying life as we know it, and those ubiquitous UN black helicopters, the country is hitting a new low in mindless hysteria over the perceived Ebola "crisis"...so far, two (as in 2) people have died in the U.S. from the disease and health experts are uniform in saying it does not pose a likely epidemic here...but in contrast to the untold thousands of deaths every year from guns, car crashes, flu, smoking, booze, etc., the public, the media, and our stupid Congress are screaming with fear, blame, and senseless demands such as banning flights from Africa...Frank Bruni writes in the NY Times that although the flu kills up to 50,000 people a year, barely half of Americans (54%) got vaccinated against the flu last year, and 57% of parents at a Beverly Hills school filed for "personal belief" exemptions to prevent their kids from being vaccinated...http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/15/opinion/frank-bruni-scarier-than-ebola.html?emc=edit_th_20141015&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=67166446&_r=1...reality check, anyone?...
...Canis ridiculatus..an Irish terrier named Vimes took a walk off a cliff in County Clare and, after bouncing off a few ledges on the way down, plunged 300 feet into the sea...the dog's walkers, who were its owner's parents, said they noticed Vimes had slipped his leash, then heard a splash about 15 seconds later...Vimes managed to clammer onto some rocks where he held on for 40 minutes (presumably emptying his bladder about once a minute) before the Irish Coast Guard rescued him, unharmed from his adventure...you can check out Vimes on his own Twitter account here: https://twitter.com/VimesTheDog...
...We're not in Kansas anymore...Dorothy would be amazed...here in the dead (and I mean dead) center of the country, the voters in this solidly-red state are actually so fed up with their conservative politicians' economic idiocy that the state may swing anti-Republican in both the Governor's and the US Senate races...the incumbent Governor running scared is ultra-ultra-ultra conservative Republican Sam ("Goback") Brownback whose irresponsible tax and spending cuts have severely damaged the state's resources, including education, transportation infrastructure and everything else, and put the state's economy on the brink of ruin...as of now, Democratic challenger Paul ("Save Us") Davis is running neck-and-neck with Brownback...according to The Washington Post, Brownback promised that his program would drive economic growth, create jobs, and stabilize the state budget...a pack of BS...Kansas now has a $300 million revenue shortfall, the state economy has lagged far behind its neighboring states, and Kansas' credit rating has plunged...education has been particularly hard hit, with parents and teachers decrying fewer coaches, fewer teachers' aides, larger class sizes, fewer school buses, and a delay in launching a hoped-for pre-school program...more intriguing, Kansas Republican Senator ("Stand") Pat Roberts is in real danger of losing his seat to Independent candidate Greg ("Stormin'") Orman...Roberts has served 18 years in the Senate and has done nothing - absolutely zero - in all that time...he appears to have all the intelligence of my dog Sammy, and the personality of your average stone...the Brewmeister cannot remember the last time a Dem or Independent held a major state-wide office in the Land of Oz, but these races bear watching as indicative of just how far the Muppets (i.e., Middle America) will put up with the false curtain Wizardry of stupid, counterproductive so-called "conservative" economic policies, which are actually wildly liberal in pretending that a totally free market has a conscience and everyone should be able to do whatever the hell they want, and plain wrong in pretending that we can stimulate the economy by cutting spending...
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"If I only had a brain." Sen. Pat Roberts (right) consults with his campaign staff. |
...the only thing we really fear is fear itself (apologies to FDR)...building on the USA's prior panics over imagined communists in the woodpile, terrorists on the doorstep, rock music (see Tipper Gore), Alar on apples (see Meryl Streep), comets destroying life as we know it, and those ubiquitous UN black helicopters, the country is hitting a new low in mindless hysteria over the perceived Ebola "crisis"...so far, two (as in 2) people have died in the U.S. from the disease and health experts are uniform in saying it does not pose a likely epidemic here...but in contrast to the untold thousands of deaths every year from guns, car crashes, flu, smoking, booze, etc., the public, the media, and our stupid Congress are screaming with fear, blame, and senseless demands such as banning flights from Africa...Frank Bruni writes in the NY Times that although the flu kills up to 50,000 people a year, barely half of Americans (54%) got vaccinated against the flu last year, and 57% of parents at a Beverly Hills school filed for "personal belief" exemptions to prevent their kids from being vaccinated...http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/15/opinion/frank-bruni-scarier-than-ebola.html?emc=edit_th_20141015&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=67166446&_r=1...reality check, anyone?...
...Canis ridiculatus..an Irish terrier named Vimes took a walk off a cliff in County Clare and, after bouncing off a few ledges on the way down, plunged 300 feet into the sea...the dog's walkers, who were its owner's parents, said they noticed Vimes had slipped his leash, then heard a splash about 15 seconds later...Vimes managed to clammer onto some rocks where he held on for 40 minutes (presumably emptying his bladder about once a minute) before the Irish Coast Guard rescued him, unharmed from his adventure...you can check out Vimes on his own Twitter account here: https://twitter.com/VimesTheDog...
...in an interview on his Twitter account, Vimes denied that he fell off the cliff while chasing Mickey Mouse, who was rescured by the Irish Coast Guard off the coast of County Wicklow...Vimes said he didn't even like mouse meat...in any event, after a flood of emergency calls the rescue crew recovered the big-eared rodent who, like Vimes, was unscathed by his ordeal...
...drink more beer...sooner...The Register reports that researchers at Oregon State University have discovered that the chemical xanthohumol improves cognitive function in mice...why is this important enough to be an item in Pete's Brew?...because xanthohumol is found in hops, which is a key ingredient in BEER!!...the researchers found that the chemical improved the mice's spatial function for tests like the Morris Water Maze (use your imagination)...significantly, the improvement was noticeable in young mice but not in their elders, so it's important to start drinking beer at a young age...except, oops, did I mention that you would need to consume three thousand, five hundred and twenty pints per day to get the desired effect...some of us might be able to handle the final 20, but even I'd need help on the first 3,500 pints!!!...
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"OK, you saved me, now stopping punching me in the nose!" |
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19 down, 3,501 to go before sundown! |
Trick or treat, give us your meat
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