Thursday, August 8, 2013

...We're live....Welcome to the 21st Century edition of Pete's Brew - still an irreverent blog from the left side of the Capitol, but now it's a real blog (as in the genesis of the term: "web log")...I've made this move with several ideals in mind, one selfish, two others to make it easier for our growing fan base...the selfish one is that I am forcing myself to finally catch up on all the great media and techno gadgets available I have taken a blogging class to get me started...the two reader-centric reasons are that it will be easier for most of you to access whenever you want, and I will now post on a regular basis that you can rely starting August 30 I until I decide to change my mind I will blog on the last Friday of every month by 6 PM (Washington DC time of course so all our readers across the pond can use it to cure their insomnia and our West Coast friends can use it as an excuse to take off early on Friday)...see you again soon...

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